Stewart Home's Tilt was one of a series of exhibitions featuring writers and musicians organised by Test Centre at Building F, 110 Stoke Newington Church Street, London N16 0JX. Others featured with their own shows included Iain Sinclair, Chris Petit and Thurston Moore. Stewart Home's show was a mix of old and new work in a slightly awkward space. The focus on this page is work that hadn't been shown before.

Sign Appropriated From Bunhill Row In London (2013). Readymade installed several feet beneath gallery floor and viewed through glass.

Reassuringly Expensive: Consumerism Is Costing The Earth (2013). Stewart Home sculpture first shown as part of Tilt at Building F in London.

Heroin Is The Opiate Of The People (1986-2013). This is an instruction piece based on a wall drawing by Stewart Home originally included in the collaborative installation Ruins Of Glamour/Glamour Of Ruins, Chisenhale Studios, London, December, 1986. The 1986 exhibition was in a large former industrial space and the first version was larger than the realisation shown here. The version here was realised by Test Centre/Building F curators Jess Chandler and Will Shutes, It is based on a previous incarnation of the piece from Space Studios in 2012 painted by the curators there, and in turn based on earlier versions. By having different people paint the image from the most recent usable realisation, the picture changes and evolves over time. Although I asked for it to be painted in acrylic this realisation used marker pen and is radically different to the image it was based on!

Distressed Prints: The Postman's Choice (2013). Prints of modernist buildings dating form the era of the USSR mailed by Stewart Home from Kaunas in Lithuanian to London. Home mailed these 4 prints to himself so that they didn't get beaten up as he traveled around Eastern Europe. The prints were distressed by a postman who bent up the package to put it through Stewart Home's letter box in London rather than waiting thirty seconds for the door to be answered. Orange glow to the right is Stewart Home's film Oxum being shown on a monitor through a glass door in a cupboard.

Readymade Pop Art (2013). Stewart Home appropriated prints from commercial packaging shown as part of Tilt at Building F in London.
The Age of Anti-Ageing exhibition by Stewart Home and Chris Dorley Brown
Becoming (M)other exhibition by Stewart Home and Chris Dorley Brown
Market Forces Stewart Home on his relationship with the art world
Desire In Ruins
Vermeer II Stewart Home solo show
2010 Gallery Work by Stewart Home
Very short film of Stewart Home installations including this one
4 minute film of Refuse installation in Sweden