Nicola Lees
Gustav Metzger opening at the Serpentine Gallery
- Alastair Brotchie
- Auto-Destructive Art
- Bronac Ferran
- Bruce Gilchrist
- Clive Phillpot
- Decades 1959-2009
- Gustav Metzger
- Hans Ulrich Obrist
- Hilary Koob-Sassen
- Historic Photographs
- Ilze Black
- Jeff Koons
- Jo Joelson
- Kazuyo Sejima
- Kensington Gardens
- Kristine Stiles
- Liquid Crystal Environment
- London
- Martin Sexton. Rut Blees Luxemburg
- Nicola Lees
- Peter Suchin
- Rose Dempsey
- Ryue Nishizawa
- Sally Tallant
- Sarah Andrews
- Serpentine Gallery
- Sophie O'Brien
- Summer of Love
- Tate Britain
- Tate Liverpool
- Tate Triennial
- Tom McCarthy
- Tony White
- Identikit millionairesses & Eurotrash storm Jeff Koons opening