And The World's Greatest Legal High Is… Influenza!
- barfing
- cut your billls
- cut your fuel bills
- diarrhea
- diarrhoea
- dieting
- drugs
- enlightenment
- expanded consciousness
- fever
- flu
- Godfrey Ho
- grooviness
- highs
- influenza
- Juliet Chan
- legal high
- legal highs
- lose weight
- lucid dreaming
- malt whiskey
- meditation
- mind control
- ninja
- Norwegian Ninja
- psychedelia
- Richard Harrison
- save money
- Scorpion Thunderbolt
- secrets of the universe
- sick note
- Springbank
- the magi
- Thomas Cappelen Malling
- time off
- visions
- vivid dreams
- vomit