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GREEN AND BROWN ANARCHIST Internal Bulletin of the Green Action Network. No. 1. The Only Sane Response To Mass Society Is Mass Murder It is necessary to animate the dead body and resuscitate it in order to multiply its power to the infinite. Albertus Magnus. The Population Bomb While the far-Right knows it will go nowhere without the Left, many of our Anarchist supporters have yet to realise that it is tactically necessary to adopt the techniques of the Nazis and the Secret State in order to overthrow mass society. The squeamishness many City Dwellers exhibit towards the perfectly natural phenomena of Death means that we have no choice but to side-step the issue of how we intend to achieve a ninety-five per cent reduction in the human population. Everyone agrees that mass society cannot be reformed and must therefore be replaced, but the means by which we will achieve this utopian ideal must remain a secret that is only circulated among those who have been enlightened through initiation into the ranks of GA Cadre. Death Camps Mass society alienates people from the Earth. By controlling the Earth's resources, the State controls society. GA wants to return everyone over thirty to the Earth. However, unlike the Nazis, we will not do this with pollutants such as Zyklon B which poison the planet, nor will we plunder the Amazon for exotic venoms as a reactionary who has now been expelled from our ranks wished. Instead we shall make good use of natural toxins such as methane gas. By re-establishing our relationship with the Earth in this fashion, by turning the surplus population into fertiliser, we will undermine the hierarchical thinking that is destroying the planet and simultaneously transform the Nazi abstraction of 'blood and soil' into an exquisite and deeply meaningful reality. Liberal Smears GA security expert 'Fat Boy' O'Haw-Haw tells us that the best way to deal with those who criticise us is to spread rumours that these scum are Nazi bastards. Since our supporters never see racist rock albums, we can safely slander anyone by claiming that they have received dedications on Skrewdriver record sleeves, and no one but the victim will ever know that this isn't true. O'Haw-Haw is our link man with various progressive tendencies that have transcended their far-Right origins, such as Derek Holland's International Third Position. Likewise, O'Haw-Haw provides us with names and addresses of enemy targets to circulate, because he knows that anyone who criticises either him or us must be a spook. The Secret State is only capable of forming pseudo-gangs among the Left and the far-Right. Thanks to 'Fat Boy' O'Haw-Haw, the Cadre of GA has twenty-four hour protection against the machinations of Stella Rimington and MI5. The Great Work Supporting the anti-fascist struggle does not mean that GA rejects the positive achievements of National Socialism. GA agrees with Savitri Devi when she says that the problem with Hitler was that he indulged his people with too great a solar warming, and as a consequence neglected the lightning of violence that should have been directed at a far greater swath of the population. To be sure, references to this are not lacking in the works of Julius Evola, the ideological inspiration for progressive tendencies such as the International Third Position. As Evola notes, within Alchemy the body acquired the label of a burden which enchains every soul. While the soul struggles within this prison, it cannot attain illumination. Hatred of the body is a prerequisite of Gnosis, while life in mass society is a living death. The only sane response to mass society is mass murder. In the shadows, ashes and remains of the GA Death Camps there will be far more than mere liberation from mass society, this is where we shall discover the Philosopher's Stone, and with it the knowledge of how to return to a Traditional form of society in tune with Mother Earth. This is a revolution in the true sense of the word, a homecoming. POL POT HAD THE RIGHT IDEA! LET THE PARASITES DROWN IN A SEA OF BLOOD. A WORLD POPULATION OF ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND WILL BE ENOUGH TO BUILD A PURE SOCIETY. LONG LIVE DEATH! Green Action Network, Box 88, Magdalen College, Oxford. Reproduced in: Green Apocalyse Articles on Green Anarchist (the group parodied in this leaflet attributed to the non-existent Green Action Network). |
Please note this is satirical and that the organisation it was attributed to (The Green Action Network) does not exist. One would hope this is obvious but certain cretins including Larry "La La" O'Hara and David "Cakehead" Watson have spent years claiming it is not. Larry O'Hara is stupid. |
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